Commitments of Master’s Men
1. Total commitment to daily prayer.
Recognizing I can do nothing without Christ and all things through Him. I will ask God to supply all I need to do His will. Philippians 4:13
2. Total commitment to daily control of the Holy Spirit in my life.
Realizing I am, by nature, a selfish person wanting to be served rather than to serve, I need to surrender myself daily to the Holy Spirit’s control if I intend to be the servant-leader God wants me to be.
Ephesians 5:18-20
3. Total commitment to daily study of God’s Word.
Realizing that the Word of God is my only authority for faith and practice, I am committed to read, study and obey the Word of God that I might be able to properly understand Its truths and live by Its precepts.
2 Timothy 2:15; 3:16-17
4. Total commitment to regular support of a fundamental, Bible-believing church.
Realizing that the local church is God’s instrument for reaching our world today and is God’s pillar and ground of truth for our society, I will faithfully support my local church with my attendance, my tithes and my offerings. 1 Timothy 3:15; Hebrews 10:24-25
5. Total commitment and faithfulness to my God-given wife.
Realizing that my first obligation, as a man, is to my wife and to minister to her, I understand that I cannot faithfully minister in any other area until, first, I am properly loving my wife the way Christ loved the church. Therefore, I will develop a servant’s heart in my home towards my wife, determining to show her the love of Christ no matter what her response is to me. Ephesians 5:25
6. Total commitment to regular support of a fundamental, Bible-believing church.
7. Total commitment to purity in life.
Realizing the reprobate society in which we live, I am determined by the help of God to remain pure from sexual sin, flee from youthful lusts, and think only on those things which are honoring to the Lord Jesus Christ. 2 Timothy 2:22; Philippians 4:8
8. Total commitment to separation from the world.
Realizing that God has commanded us to be separated and that He has told us not to be conformed to this world, I have determined to separate myself from worldly amusements, from intimate fellowship with those things or persons in the world that would pull me away from these commitments to Christ, and from other Christians who would determine not to walk in accordance with the Word of God.
2 Corinthians 6:14-18; Romans 12:2
9. Total commitment to reaching other men for the Master.
Realizing that God has called me to be his ambassador, I will do all I can to get other men involved in my local church and the Master’s Men program. thereby fulfilling, partially, the Great Commission. 2 Corinthians 5:20